Two-Step Order Form

In this article, you will learn how to setup a Two-Step Order Form in your Funnel (part 1) and how to setup a subscription based product (part 2). Finally, you'll connect this product to your funnel step (part 3). 

What You Will Need

1. Your Stripe account setup, active, and integrated.
2. Optional: If you have a subscription, you need to have it setup in Stripe in both Test and Live modes.
3. How to build a funnel (See Funnel Overview)

Setup: You have at least one section, row, and column on your workspace.

Part 1

Step 1

Find the 2-Step element

Step 2

Drag and drop the element to your desired column.

Step 3

You can now adjust the properties as needed. In this example, we removed the shipping fields by navigating to Advanced > Toggle Shipping

Part 2 - Setup a Stripe Subscription Product

Note: This will take place on Stripe.

Step 1

From your Stripe Dashboard > Billing (1) > Products (2) > New (3)

Step 2

Fill in your product name (1) > Optionally fill in the other fields > Click on Create product (2)

Step 3

Create a plan > Fill out the fields (1 - 3) > Click on Add Pricing Plan (4)

You have added a product with a plan

Part 3 - Attach to your Funnel

We're back in your app

Step 1

Navigate to your funnel step (1) > Click on Products (2) > Add Product (3)

Step 2

Fill out the fields > Select the plan you created in Stripe (1) > Save

Note: If you want to charge a one-time charge, select "One-Time" and fill out as normal. You will not need to choose a Stripe Plan for a One-Time product.

You've successfully added a product to your funnel

When previewed it will show dynamically on your product page

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